+44 (0) 77027 50003 info@ewajasinska.com
What are certified translations and who needs them?

What are certified translations and who needs them?

There are certain services that everyone needs at some point in their life. If you want to buy a house, you need a mortgage advisor. If you are a business owner, you most likely need an accountant. The same applies to translations, and more specifically to certified translations, for which you...

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Tips for a successful multilingual online event

Tips for a successful multilingual online event

When I last wrote about communication in the digital age and mentioned the possibility of online events and remote simultaneous interpreting, little did I know what would come to pass. The whole world has turned upside down this year. Prior to March 2020 my life as a conference interpreter...

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Re-thinking cross-cultural communication in the digital age

Re-thinking cross-cultural communication in the digital age

In the globalised world, in which we are now living, the interaction between business people is becoming increasingly easy as well as increasingly frequent. The internet offers any number of possibilities to this end. This means that meeting people in person is not the only solution. There are...

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A guide to success; doing business in Poland

A guide to success; doing business in Poland

It is no surprise that you are considering a business proposition in Poland; its strategic positioning as a gateway to central and eastern Europe and the relentless increase of its GDP make for a great opportunity for the ambitious. What do I need to consider? Every Business project takes careful...

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Karolina Zobel, Brand Manager, PDO

Współpraca z Ewą przy organizacji międzynarodowego wydarzenia to była przyjemność. Cechują Ją profesjonalizm, elastyczne podejście i nieschodzący z twarzy uśmiech do ostatnich godzin długiego zlecenia!
Techniczne zagadnienia związane z procesem druku, jak i specjalistyczne treści producentów farb, polimerów, folii czy papieru nie stanowiły dla Niej wyzwania w trakcie tłumaczenia symultanicznego.
Dziękujemy Ewo za współpracę i do zobaczenia przy organizacji kolejnego eventu w PDO!

Frances Taylor, Harrison and Bundey Solicitors

I know Ewa through my work as a criminal defence solicitor. I have used Ewa’s services on numerous occasions to interpret for Polish national clients, both in a court setting and in meetings, as a freelance self-employed interpreter and translator.

Ewa is the best interpreter I have ever used on any case. She is hard working, motivated and very committed. She is always very concerned to make sure she does the best job possible, and always provides an efficient and very professional and reliable service. She is well organised, well presented, punctual and helpful. She is very good at explaining any difficulties in translating and interpreting, and then working around any such problems. I would rate her intellectual qualities as very good. She is also very personable and easy to get on with. In my experience she is able to relate to and work with all sorts of different people, of different backgrounds and abilities. Her communication skills are excellent. I have no hesitation at all in recommending her.

Bartlomiej Kowalczyk - BDM at Polish Business Link

I had a pleasure to work with Ewa on many occasions. Our recent project was to deliver Polish-English and English Polish Translation of the printed bulletin for national Congress of Polish Entrepreneurs in the UK. Ewa delivered all work on time and with suggestion how to improve the content. She provided work with great attention to detail and professionalism at all part of the project. I would like to strongly encourage to contact Ewa for any translation work whether for business or private matters.

Enrique Alexandre Royo, Dirección General de Hospitales

Lo que más nos sorprendió al grupo de profesionales que viajamos a Polonia, fue el grado de compromiso profesional de Ewa Jasinska y su capacidad para transmitir todas las peculiaridades de la relación comercial que surgieron en las distintas reuniones.

El grado de calidad en los servicios que presto Ewa no tiene nada que ver con otros profesionales que nos han asesorado en las relaciones contractuales mantenidas en Polonia.

Nos gustaría destacar que, gracias a su colaboración, tanto la relación empresarial como los resultados económicos de las transacciones en cuestión fueron un éxito. Todos reconocimos su profesionalidad como intérprete y su capacidad para facilitar las negociaciones mantenidas, sin lugar a duda en futuras negociaciones en Polonia intentaríamos contar con los servicios de Ewa.

DC Alistair Taylor

Ewa has been involved in translating and interpreting during numerous investigations. Her work was of an extremely high standard. During my work as an investigator I have used numerous interpreters over a range of languages. Ewa has worked tirelessly during my investigations involving Polish; her customer service is second to none. She is flexible, extremely happy, reliable and committed. Ewa is one of the most reliable interpreters I have ever worked with. She has always made herself available, her work is consistently high, and at times has worked some incredibly long hours to accommodate us. Ewa is a genuinely nice happy person, she is easy to get on with, shows an interest in her work, and has shown a level of commitment I have rarely met in others. I cannot speak highly enough of Ewa and would recommend her for any interpretation and translation services.

Eliza Jankowska

I have the pleasure to have been working with Ewa for 10 years and until now she still impresses me a lot with her enthusiasm, creativity, passion and her attitude. The way Ewa deals with people shows that she is the perfect business partner but more importantly a beautiful person. Ewa always looks after each project with a great deal of personal commitment so that our customers always feel properly understood and cared for. She is extremely efficient and always prepared to take on new challenge. It is a pleasure to work with such a great professional. I am very impressed with Ewa’s skills and qualities; she has great attention to details and deals perfectly with difficult situations. Ewa’s communication skills (in all languages she speaks) are excellent. At all times I have found Ewa to be extremely reliable and hard-working. On the top of this she is just great, always with a smile on her face impressing me again with new ideas and solutions to problems. It is a pleasure to work with this impressive and very competent lady!

Juan Miguel Avila, Managing Director of Eville & Jones (UK) Ltd

Ewa Jasinska has been providing interpreting and translation services between Polish, English and Spanish for Eville & Jones since April 2004. Examples of her work include: interpreting during the visit of Veterinary Chamber representatives from Poland (interpreting Animal Welfare lecture at the University and during official dinners), translation of HR documents, interpreting during various projects (in England, Poland and Spain).

Ewa has always proven to be professional, hardworking and confidential. Her communication abilities are exceptional. She has got a very good understanding of business as well as she can easily adapt to working within different environments.

She has always worked to the highest of standards and at the same time she always managed to convey a positive attitude.

Rafał Szamburski, Autor opowiadań, scenariuszy filmowych i dramatów

Współpracę z Ewą mogę określić dwoma słowami – BYŁO PYSZNIE. Ewa tłumacząc listę dialogową scenariusza mojego filmu pod tytułem Wigilia wykazała się nie tylko wysoką kompetencją merytoryczną polegającą między innymi na zdolności adaptacji tekstu na język odrębnego kręgu kulturowego, ale również filmowym słuchem, oraz rzetelnością a propos ustalonych przez nas terminów. Chętnie zaangażuję Ją do kolejnych moich projektów – jeśli tylko Ewa będzie miała czas i ochotę.

Yvonne Robinson, NHS

I have worked with interpreters before and have previously felt that this can make engaging with a service user and developing a therapeutic relationship challenging, however this did not seem to be the case during the work we did. I have reflected on possible reasons for this and feel that the service user and family clearly felt comfortable and at ease with you, however I, as practitioner also felt comfortable with you being present (from experience this has not always been the case). The appointments never felt uncomfortable and as our work progressed I felt able to address the service user directly (almost not feeling that an interpreter was present if that makes sense).

Milorad Radakovic, VPHA President, March 2016

Over the past 10 years Ewa has been a great business partner and friend of the UK Veterinary Public Health Association (VPHA): http://www.vpha.co.uk
Ewa provides an excellent service for VPHA by organising and delivering twice annual VPHA conferences in the UK with over 100 attendees. She has also arranged VPHA study tours to Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Hungary.

VPHA and the Conference attendees recognise that Ewa’s pro-active organisational skills, multilingual ability and boundless charisma have all contributed immensely to the success of our conferences. We are privileged and honoured to work with Ewa because we know we can always rely on her help to plan, book, advertise and deliver any event in the UK or abroad. Therefore we recommend Ewa’s services to anyone looking to organise a successful Conference with multinational delegates.

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+44 (0) 77027 50003